Action-oriented coaching that challenges irrational beliefs and allows you to process emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthier, more realistic way.

Rational Emotive Behavior Coaching (REBC) is a powerful approach to help individuals achieve their goals and live more fulfilling lives.

Here's the basic idea:

    • Our emotions and behaviors are not directly caused by events themselves, but rather by our beliefs about those events.
    • These beliefs can be rational (helpful and realistic) or irrational (unhelpful and distorted).
    • REBC focuses on identifying and challenging irrational beliefs that are holding us back, and replacing them with more rational and empowering beliefs.

Think of it like this: Imagine you're feeling anxious about giving a presentation at work. An irrational belief might be: "If I mess up, everyone will think I'm a failure." This belief is likely to make you feel even more anxious and could lead you to avoid giving the presentation altogether.

A rational belief might be: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I can learn from this experience and do better next time." This belief is more likely to help you stay calm and focused, and give your presentation your best shot.

REBC coaches use a variety of techniques to help clients identify and challenge their irrational beliefs, such as:

    • Socratic questioning: This involves asking open-ended questions to help clients explore the evidence for and against their beliefs.
    • Disputation: This involves challenging the logic and validity of irrational beliefs.
    • Behavioral experiments: This involves testing out clients' beliefs in real-world situations.

REBC can be helpful for a wide range of issues, including:

    • Anxiety and depression
    • Low self-esteem
    • Phobias
    • Relationship problem
    • Work-related stress

If you're looking for a coaching approach that can help you:

    • Change your negative thinking patterns
    • Improve your emotional well-being
    • Achieve your goals

REBC could be a great option for you.

Here are some additional benefits of REBC:

    • It is a evidence-based approach that has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions.
    • It is a relatively short-term form of therapy, with most clients seeing significant improvement within a few months.
  • It is a collaborative approach that empowers clients to take charge of their own mental health.